Research Agenda

My research explores how individual beliefs, attitudes, and preferences shape political behavior. I am particularly interested in the ways in which gender attitudes, nationalism, and xenophobia influence political opinions and actions. I have regional interests in both Europe and the United States, and utilize a variety of methodologies across my work—including experiments, observational data analysis, and content analysis.

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Source: zaihan/depositphotos

Published Peer-Reviewed Articles

2022. “Traditional Gender Attitudes, Nativism, and Support for the Radical Right,” Politics & Gender.

2023. “Of Rural Resentment and Storming Capitols: An Investigation of the Geographic Contours of Support for Political Violence,” with B. K. Munis and A. Memovic. Forthcoming at Political Behavior.

Working Papers

“A New Satanic Panic" with Casey Klofstad, Joseph Uscinski, Amanda Diekman, John Funchion, Michelle Seelig, Sandra Kuebler, Shane Littrell, Manohar Murthi, Kamal Premaratne, Daniel Verdear, Adam Enders, Stefan Wuchty, and Ashley Hemm (Under Review)

“Americans’ Opposition to Muslim Immigration: Untangling Religion from Country of Origin” with Kirill Zhirkov (Revise & Resubmit)

“Belief in White Replacement" with Casey Klofstad, Joseph Uscinski, Amanda Diekman, John Funchion, Michelle Seelig, Sandra Kuebler, Shane Littrell, Manohar Murthi, Kamal Premaratne, Daniel Verdear, Adam Enders, Stefan Wuchty, and Ashley Hemm (Revise & Resubmit)

“Keep the Nation’s [Women] Pure: Implicitly Gendered Nativism in American Public Opinion”

“Stand Up and Fight Like a Real Man! Traditional Gender Attitudes and Support for Political Violence (Under Review)

Work in Progress

“Subconscious Gender Attitudes and the Appeal of the Radical Right: Experimental Evidence from the United States and Europe”

“Protect Our Nation, Protect Our Women: Nativism and Gendered Rhetoric within the Radical Right”